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City of Perry

1211 Washington St, Perry, GA, 31069, US


Discontinue Service Request

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Service type

Customer Name

Current Service Location

Forwarding Address

Date to discontinue Service (Monday through Friday 8-5 only)

Date Picker

Is there a dumpster that needs to be picked up

Is there a grease trap

Government Issued Picture ID

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Final Billing

The final bill will say "FINAL".  Dates on our bills are preset so they will indicate the entire billing period.  You will not be billed for services after your chosen disconnection day.  Services are prorated so you will only be billed for the days that the account was in your name.

I understand that the City of Perry bills in arrears (after service is rendered).  I understand that I will receive a final bill that will include services up to the time of disconnection.  If the final bill is not paid it will be subject to collections by a third party.

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