1211 Washington St, Perry, GA, 31069, US
Upload File(s)
Before applying, please review our code at Perry City Code of Ordinances, Starting a New Business, and our fee schedule.
Please print, notarize, and attach the following documents to your online application.
Save Affidavit and E-Verify
License Type
Merchant Information
Merchants Permanent Address
Approved Locations
Address of proposed location
Evidence of either ownership of the property by the merchant or written lease or written permission from the owner of the property to the merchant regarding the property upon which the sale is to be conducted.
Are you the owner of the home?
Property Owner Information
Homeowners letter of approval
Applicant Name
Physical Location
Mailing Address
Is your business a LLC ( Limited Liability Company)
Certificate Of Organization
Owners Mailing Address
Lease/Settlement Agreement
SAVE Affidavit
Picture Identification
3. Will customers or clients come to the residence? If yes, this is classified as a “Residential Business” under Section 4-4.3(D) of the LMO and requires a Special Exception.
Will the Home Office involve the use of commercial vehicles for the delivery of materials to or from the home?
Do you intend to display any signs relating to the Home Office?